So, that Game Informer interview with Iizuka, there's context to give about it

Y'all know why you're here, that Game Informer Rapid Fire interview with Iizuka

I'm seeing different reactions to some of Iizuka's responses, but the one I'm gonna focus right now is that one question about the Chao Garden being in Frontiers

I hope y'all know that, that question could be considered as a "trick question", well, more specifically, a "trick answer", let me explain why

First, let's think about how revealing something like that in that way wouldn't be a great idea

Dropping that kind of confirmation in a Interview of a third party wouldn't be very smart, specially this soon into the game's marketing window, and it would be directly dumb confirming the, according to Iizuka "biggest request from the fandom" in a interview like that

If there's a Chao Garden, I tell you, it's going to be revealed in another way, by proper means, and even directly from Sega in the Sonic Channel, this isn't a small deal for the fandom, they know that, they listen to us a lot more than most people like to recognize

It's up to everyone to believe if there is or not a Chao Garden in the game, that's a whole other theme

Now, let's start with the other point I want to make

People are ignoring another question they did to Iizuka

The one about Big being in the game

Don't y'all find weird how he says "I have no idea" when they ask him "is Big the Cat in Sonic Frontiers?" when we know that he in fact IS in the game

This caught my attention, but there's other thing too

Did y'all noticed all the noice there's in the background? That sounds like large amounts of people

And, did y'all noticed the background enviorement of the video? and Iizuka´s clothing? Because I had a feeling I saw something like this before

Shot from the Game Informer video

Shot of Takashi Iizuka in th same video, look carefully at the clothes

And that feeling was there, because, I in fact, did

Look at the enviorement, and Iizuka´s clothes, this shot isn´t from the GI video

Where does this thing come from?

From this GameSpot Interview with Iizuka, and, fun fact, this is recorded from the Summer Game Fest: Play Days event

I´m 99% sure the Game Informer interview was shot June 13th, in the SGF Play Days event, but they decided to not post it until a later date

Think about the date, June 13th

Now, when did we know about Big being in the game?

Game Informer reported in it´s magazine about Big in June 29th, that was basically part of their exclusive coverage in their Magazine issue

(Yes, I know about the Origins files leak with mentions to Big, but that doesn´t count as a reveal¨

With this info, I believe the thing with the Big in Frontiers response from Iizuka should be more clear, and consequently, the situation with some of the other stuff in the video

This doesn´t confirm or deconfirm anything, but I believe it´s something to have in mind when talking about this

Context matters, don´t twist Iizuka´s words anymore plz

That´s all I have to say about this, thx for reading!!!
